Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Breaking news!!

Attention dear blog readers and clients, you heard it here first:
Conspiracy Inc. is moving!

That's right, we've been discretely looking around for a bigger space for a few years, but never really found anything until now.
And we weren't even looking that hard, but that's the way it always happens, right?

Now don't panic, we're staying in Copenhagen and the new location is a mere 10 minute walk from our current position.
I'm not gonna reveal the exact location just yet, cause we're not moving right away, but i'll say it's in a nice, quiet area that we think you're gonna love just as much as we already do.
The shop is gonna need a little work before we can move in, it's kind of a fixer upper, and we also have a Japan trip coming up.
But we're hoping we'll be able to open sometime in the beginning of next year.
Ok, enough talk, here's a sneak peak!

The future workroom
Asking our new landlord a bunch of dumb practical questions...

Everyone who has been crossing their fingers for us can uncross them, i know they must hurt by now.
And everyone who lives nearby and can work a paintbrush, expect a call in December!


  1. Splitte mine hemmeligheder! Spændende, tillykke! Kommer gerne og maler, hvis der er glögg!!

  2. Det er fanme en deal!
    Det er heller ikke langt fra Dineren...

  3. jeg er først hjemme fra aussie d. 26 dec.. men efter der kan i bare ringe!

  4. Uhh vildt! Tillykke!
    Jeg kigger lige forbi efter arbejde imorgen og hilser på Rich (og jer) hvis i stadig er der... Så må jeg lige få the goss!

  5. Heeey! 1000 congrats, guys! Nice to know, that what you went to see this afternoon actually was worth the while!! ... I can hardly wait to see what you're gonna do with the place!


  6. yay that's awesome!

    you know i'd be there to help if i wasn't in another country! x

  7. Tillykke for pokker da. Det da spændende. Ja, hvis i har brug for en hånd til some good old manual labour så gir jeg gerne en hånd med (dog mest i november)!

    Og god tur til Japan!

  8. Yaaa more room! I can paint, but seems like you already have a bunch of people, congrats!

  9. Tillykke! Must be exciting. I suck at painting, but if you need 1:1 LEGO fixtures and fittings i'm your man!

  10. Tak til alle frivillige, vi giver lyd når det er tid til at troppe op!
    Vi giver pizza!

  11. Just let me know, and I´ll be running over the bridge to help out! Congrats guys! Happy happy day!

    And have a lovley trip to Japan, ( jealous)!
