Monday, April 15, 2013

Finally spring

Ok, it's been a while. Time for an update, don't you think?
Spring finally came to Berlin yesterday, and one day later we might all have died from sadness and vitamin D deficiancy, so yay, good timing there spring!
 Yesterday we went flea marketing in summer jackets, and today we had coffee outside with NO JACKETS AT ALL! Yeah, i know!

The studio is coming along great, some might even call it finished, but i won't go that far.
It is awesome, though, i'll agree to that.
And the parts that aren't awesome yet hopefully will be soon.

Wendy and Matthew are settling in really well in their new city and in the studio, and since they literally just got here, they have no waiting lists. That's obviously not gonna last forever, so i suggest you book a spring appointment with them right now, before it becomes too hot to even think about tattoos (what? A summer starved girl can dream, right?).
Email Matthew here: and Wendy here: to book!

That's it for now, i'll be back soon with more awesome tattoo pictures, but right now the weather calls for yard work, so i'll be outside if you need me!

 Tattoo by Matthew Gordon

Tattoo by Wendy Pham

It's true, the weather actually is warm now!

From our new shop instagram, where you can follow us for tattoos and studio progress!
(1. New fancy buddy for the hallway 2. New plants for the stairs.... i think that one is actually from my personal instagram account, but whatever, same thing... 3. Tattoo by Uncle Allan 4. Wendy making magical things in the drawing room)

UPDATE: If you are on Uncle Allan's waiting list, don't forget to check your spam filter for emails, as i've heard from a few people whose emails from us regarding booking, ended up there.
So check, and if you're unsure of whether you may have missed an email from me, feel free to ask!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Studio peek

It's funny, for so long we deliberately waited to post any pictures of the shop online, cause we wanted the new place to be a surprise to the Aussies, but now that they're here, and we're allowed to post pictures, i can't really figure out where to start!
So maybe i'll just wait until i get some film in my camera, and take some real photos of the place?
Maybe, but until then, here are a few little sneak peeks of the studio we now call home.

From around the studio: drawing room, waiting room, employee lounge, work room

Same, and a bit of the hallway too, from my instagram

Don't forget that Wendy Pham and Matthew Gordon are actually here now, in Berlin, and ready to take on clients.
Wendy already worked for a bit on Saturday!
Write them an email to book a date, for now or later, they're here for a long time: or
And don't forget that we have Joey Ortega visiting in April too.

Tattoo by Wendy Pham at Conspiracy Inc.

Sketch by Matthew Gordon, could be your next tattoo!