Thursday, June 21, 2012

Update for saturday, and not the best kind...

Guys, bad news, Chriss Dettmer has had to cancel and is not coming on Saturday after all.
We're super bummed, but he had no choice, and he's working on finding some dates where he can visit and make it up to you.

We are not cancelling Anti-Sankt Hans, but since it's only gonna be Uncle Allan tattooing, there will, for obvious reasons, not be time for as many tattoos as we'd hoped.
So, there's no guarantee that you can get tattooed if you show up, and we might have to prioritize anyone coming from farther away than the Copenhagen area, but we'll try our best to make time for as many tattoos as possible.

It's gonna be an open event, anyone is welcome to drop by and check out the shop and grab a beer or something, and hopefully the weather will be great so we can throw something on the barbeque later.

See you Saturday!

Ps. If there's time we'll post a flash preview on twitter (@conspiracyinctattoo) and instagram (@unclea), if not, it'll be a surprise!

dk: Triste nyheder, Chriss Dettmer er blevet nødt til at aflyse på lørdag.
Han arbejder på at finde et tidspunkt hvor han kan komme herop og arbejde, så det sker forhåbentligt snart.
Vi aflyser ikke, men dersom det kun er Uncle Allan der skal tatovere på lørdag, bliver der af åbenlyse grunde nok ikke tid til så mange tatoveringer som vi havde håbet på.
Vi vil selvfølgelig gøre vores bedste for at der bliver tid til alle, men der er altså ingen garanti for at man kan blive tatoveret hvis man dukker op, og vi bliver også nødt til at give lidt særbehandling hvis der er nogen der kommer langvejs fra.

Det er et åbent arrangement, så du er velkommen til bare at kigge forbi og hænge lidt ud. 
Vi håber på godt vejr så vi måske endda kan grille lidt.

Håber vi ses!

Ps. Vi lægger måske et flash preview på vores twitter (@conspiracyinctattoo) og instagram (@unclea) men hvis ikke vi når det, må det blive en overraskelse!


  1. Bummer, I hope all is ok with Mr Dettmer. :/

    Well, I have my train ticket so i'll defiantly be there! I'm only coming from Vejle so if people have got on 'flying machines' to be there then I fully understand if they get priority on the tattoo action.

    Either way I am looking forward to seeing the shop and meeting you guys. :)

    1. Thanks, he's alright, just not able to make it.
      I think Vejle puts you in the "from far away" category, but what do i know? You might be the only one who shows up!

  2. You can still count us in, the jolly Gothenburgers (Jonas and I) will show up tomorrow no matter what! Hopefully you'll have some ink and time left for us then. ;)
